OCUWELL is pioneering the delivery of a handheld corneal topography device to the optometry market.The device is based on years of research in corneal biomechanics and tomography, and the Ocuwell team’s goal is to make gold-standard eye care affordable and available to all.As Ocuwell moves towards launch, the team is...
Global Accessibility Awareness Day
In celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 16 May 2024, it is important to highlight the influence of design on society. It plays a pivotal role across all sectors of the economy and impacts on the way we live and the products and services we use to help aid our physical...
VisionBridge is calling all eye health professionals! We invite you to read these articles and re-post them for colleagues. Remember, the highly innovative fluorescein filter invented by Aston Vision Sciences (AVS) can be viewed on astonvisionsciences.com and purchased from sightandsound.co.uk.
Article 1: Optometry Today: A neat and high performing solution”https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7186380141449658368 Article 2: Optometry Today: What’s happening in Dry Eyehttps://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7184902647575957504 Article 3: Dispensing Opticianhttps://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7174684674642898944
Smart money on Waymap Led by TELUS Canada
VisionBridge continues to support innovation in the fields of assistive, diagnostic, monitoring and testing equipment, for the ultimate benefit of patients.
To illustrate this, in collaboration with Sight and Sound Technology we are supporting the release of a new, high fidelity Fluorescein Filter that Aston Vision Sciences (AVS) has developed which provides superior viewing performance and is especially good at seeing tear film break up used for dry eye disease assessment,...
The revolution and evolution of assistive technology in maximising accessibility and inclusivity for visually impaired communities in the built environment
Just before the start of National Eye Health Week (NEHW) on 18 September and in light of the ongoing battle to prevent, treat and cure eye diseases and systemic diseases that can impact sight, it is vital that the critical role that assistive technology (AT) can play in rehabilitating patients...
Global ACCESSIBILITY Awareness DAY 2023
VisionBridge CIC acknowledges Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 2023 by recognising the power of assistive technologies to improve the mobility, independence, social connectivity, mental health and emotional well-being of users and highlighting two of the most innovative assistive technologies in recent times; check out WeWALK and Be My Eyes. We also applaud the principles of “Universal Design” (UD) which can improve...
VisionBridge CIC joins DATEurope!
VisionBridge CIC joins DATEurope! We are delighted that our work to champion innovative and disruptive assistive technologies (AT), support tech startups and influence the design and development of prototype AT, has been recognised by DATEurope. We are a voice for professionals and vi/blind communities, a platform for AT developers and distributors, a benchmark for quality...
5 years to the day, my memories of the “Big Blind Walk 2018” are still vivid and the fight to prevent, treat and cure eye disease goes on, alongside the extraordinary advances in assistive technologies. Vision enhancement, reading support, obstacle avoidance, object recognition, scene description and even digital wayfinding have...
The Eye Can Exhibition
The Eye Can Exhibition (19 May, Bath) is only four weeks away! Come along and listen to some fascinating talks from guest speakers, Amar Shah, Sight Research Uk, and VisionBridge. Have a wander through a diverse range of exhibitors and find out about the latest in tech, products and services for anyone...