Julian Jackson
Founder and Director of VisionBridge
Launched in 2016, VisionBridge is an independent social enterprise (CIC), focused on sustaining innovation in eye research, promoting eye health, raising awareness of sight loss and signposting donations to appropriate eye research funders.
As a champion of innovation and user of assistive technology himself, Founder and Director of VisionBridge Julian Jackson is passionate about securing the most appropriate development funding for innovators at the beginning of their journey and ensuring the right assistive technology and equipment is ultimately placed in the right hands at the right time along the patient referral pathway with long term support if required.
Julian can also offer strategic development, peer to peer networking, sales and marketing and corporate relations for inventors and innovators. He can provide high level access to a range of influencers and key opinion leaders, voluntary sector and social networks, primary care practitioners, allied health professionals across secondary care and the community, membership and regulatory organisations, academics and clinician scientists with a focus on low vision, sight loss related media and trade events, students and postgraduates associated with optometry, ophthalmology and orthoptics.
For more details about Julian’s posts, articles and initiatives, please visit his Linked In page:
Symptoms Related to Eye Diseases and Conditions
Eye research is working hard to prevent sight loss, treat eye disease, restore sight and rehabilitate patients with appropriate assistive technologies. Check out this reference source of eye diseases, conditions and symptoms and consider how assistive technology could help you HERE.
To celebrate the continuing innovation in eye research, the annual Report 2020 entitled “Eye Research – an equal partner”, compiled and edited by Julian Jackson, featuring contributions from leading researchers, clinicians and tech developers in the UK and abroad can be viewed HERE.