“3 years ago on 29 April 2018, a huge team effort swung into action in support of my 1,089 mile walk from Land’s End to John O’Groats – click here for the Big Blind Walk archive (www.bigblindwalk.com). I have great memories and an even greater resolve to continue supporting eye research to prevent sight loss, treat eye disease and restore sight.
However, assistive technology (AT) also plays a crucial role in mitigating the impacts of sight loss and improving the quality of life for those who are visually impaired and those with visual processing and other sensory challenges. So my work at VisionBridge continues in collaboration with leading distributor Sight and Sound Technology (www.sightandsound.co.uk) to maximise patient access to AT and to ensure that it is affordable, appropriate, understood and everywhere!
Basic discovery science and AT are inextricably linked in the war against sight loss. Whether you are a professional in the SEND learning environment, eye health, healthcare, social care, academic, voluntary and community sectors or an AT developer, investor, representative of a patient support group, membership organisation or trade association or an AT user, I urge you to spread the word about the “soft power” of AT – the ability of wearables, portables, solutions and Apps to provide that improved measure of independence, mobility, connectivity, mental health and emotional well-being that can make all the difference to someone impacted by sight and sensory loss.
Watch this space for news about my next Big Blind Walk challenge – guides, walking companions, donors and sponsors are welcome!